This would be a major gamechanger on Nice's end. We utilize Hint as an eligibility management system for our clients. They enter in who out of their employee population is eligible to use Nice's services, and this translates into our own eligibility check with Nice's EMR platform. We require our clients to update their Hint portals themselves, so typically on a monthly basis our clients will review their Hint portal, whether manually or via their established file feed, to ensure everyone who should be enrolled/terminated is as such. Nice Healthcare also determines billing/invoicing via the client's Hint portal, so it's of the utmost importance that a client's eligibility is managed appropriately. We get requests from clients quite frequently for detailed exported files from their Hint portal that list employees' information (name/external ID/DOB/email/membership type/start date/end date/etc.) so that they can cross check the Hint file with their own enrollment platform/invoice/etc. As Nice's clients don't have access to pulling their own reports on their "user" end, they come to us with these requests which can be tricky to share, considering there is company-sensitive PHI within. Essentially, having the "user" end of the Hint platform have the ability to pull these exported files with their desired information from the portal would allow for more seamless use on the client's side, and allow for us to maintain better practices staying away from PHI.