
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


New Features and Improvements
  • Easy Source View:
    We heard your feedback! We've now made it even easier for affiliates to manage employer-sponsored patients by displaying the employer name more prominently on the affiliate chart. If the patient is enrolled in a retail plan in the network, we show "Retail" in the same place.
  • Updated Resources Menu:
    Introducing the all-new Resources section in Hint Health's navigation bar! This streamlined hub is your one-stop shop for everything you need to thrive in DPC. Access a wealth of helpful content, including step-by-step guides, the latest product updates, a vibrant online community, and insightful blog articles on DPC trends and Hint Health news. With the Resources section at your fingertips, you'll be able to stay up-to-date with all things DPC as well as connect with fellow DPC practitioners – all in one convenient location!
  • API fields update:
    We have added the following fields to the practitioner endpoint on our public API; online_signup_visibility, accepts_enrollments_from_employer, accepts_enrollments_from_retail, min_patient_age max_patient_age, specialties.
New Features and Improvements
  • PDF File Viewer Improvement:
    This change improves the way the file viewer works for PDFs to leverage the browser PDF viewer in the file viewer modal. See Getting to Know your File Drive Page for more info.
  • Autosave:
    This feature streamlines the way that the interaction save confirmation works. Previously, whenever an interaction was opened and closed without edits, the user was prompted to confirm that they wanted to close the interaction. Now, Interactions that have not been edited will no longer require a confirmation when closed. See View & Edit Draft Notes for more info.
Bug Fixes
New Features and Improvements
  • In-House Medication Expiration Dates:
    We're introducing the ability to customize expiration dates for in-house medications. This allows practices to manage dispensed medication expiration dates according to state regulations for medication labels. See Manage and Dispense Prescription Medication for more info.
  • Tokyo Timezone Support:
    Tokyo timezone will now be supported for the Clinical calendar users in that region. See How to Update Calendar Time Zone for more info.
Bug Fixes
  • Diagnosis Mapping Fix:
    We've addressed an issue where diagnoses mapped from notes appeared in the wrong field. Now, diagnoses will be mapped accurately to the dedicated "diagnosis" field, and a separate "description" field is available for additional details about the diagnosis. See Intake Forms 2.0 for more info.
  • Growth Guidelines Fix:
    We've corrected an issue where the display of growth charts did not match the CDC / WHO guidelines. See Create and Download Patient Growth Charts for more info.
Product Improvements
Patient Authentication:
Providers can manage individual patient data access with the "Manage Portal Access" feature. They can control which members have access to the patient portal, and when members share an email address you can control which members’ data is available via the portal, adding an extra layer of data security and privacy protection. See Patient Authentication Overview for more info.
This release includes important bug fixes and feature enhancements for:
  • e-prescribing
  • scheduling
  • member communications
  • member DOB
Here are a few of the updates you'll see with this release:
  • fixed a problem preventing the ability to prescribe to affiliate members
  • fixed a problem that was not updating the appointment time when a telemedicine visit was edited
  • fixed an issue that was making it difficult to read family history information when and update was made
  • fixed a problem preventing certain text messages from being sent
  • fixed a problem preventing certain patient names from showing up in the sender / receiver fields for text messages
  • fixed a problem preventing some PDFs from being downloaded
  • added a feature that displays a member's age in months if they are under 1 year old
Screenshot 2023-05-08 at 1
We have updated how we display providers & locations on signup links when you enable provider and location settings. We now list both providers and locations in alphabetical order to make it easier to audit you have configured the right list of options:
For DPC Networks that need to audit the providers or locations associated with an affiliate's account, we now list them in alphabetical order on the linked providers & locations tab:


Hint Core

New patient enrollment

Patient portal

Some emails did not use the practice's configure greeting format

Practices can configure the greeting used on emails sent to patients. This allows the greeting to better represent your company or brand. Here is more information about customizing greetings.
Screenshot 2023-05-04 at 4
The following emails incorrectly always said "Hi {first_name}" instead of using the practice's chosen greeting format. They have been updated to use the configured greeting format.
  • Abandoned Signup Notifications (x3)
  • Patient Portal Account Access (x2)
  • Agreements Acceptance Request
Tomorrow when you sign in to your Hint account, you’ll notice a new sign-in module. This new module will allow you to sign in with your Google account for a more streamlined experience. Don’t worry, if you don’t have or don’t want to use your Google account, you can still sign in with your email and password.
Once you are signed in you will see two new product features:
  • With the new search modal, you can now search by invoice number, a commonly requested enhancement, along with patients, sponsors, and more.
  • Our main navigation menus have moved to the left side of the screen to make space for search and other future features while still maintaining easy access to all aspects of the application.
Let us know what you think about the new features.
Over the last month we've added about 50 enhancements and fixes to the All-in-One platform. The focus for this work was intended to increase stability of the platform for customers, and to increase workflow flexibility.
Here are a few of the updates you'll see:
  • Medications will now sync to Veradigm.
  • Allergies will update and display when they are saved to the member’s health summary.
  • Practice template modules are now displaying more accurate information for the treating clinician.
  • Dashboard inventory numbers reflect accurate inventory amounts
  • Opening a new note will show a blank note instead of pulling in saved copy from a draft document.
  • IntakeQ will not show the login screen on the “Forms” feature.
  • Video calls will stay as video calls when editing appointments.
  • The appointments details end time will accurately reflect the duration of the appointment.
  • The session time will refresh during active sessions to avoid “unable to find patient” errors.
  • Updating family history will accurately display the family history changes when saved.
  • A logout warning displays before a session ends so that in-progress data loss is prevented.
  • Improved styling on the Interaction button to fit more screen display sizes.
  • Support for the addition of Zoom URLs in video visits on the calendar.
  • Added stability to the Health Gorilla integration for ordering labs.
  • Added a new Intercom support option for customers in Hint Clinical.
  • Added stability to the Veradigm e-prescribing integration.
  • Added speed to the loading time for the calendar.
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