Tasha Demkiw
in progress
Chris Lee
I think this is extremely important to add to Online Sign-Up form.
CC Canepa
The Grove Comprehensive Psychiatry and Wellness would like emergency contact info to be synced to athena as well
Axsona Stadnyck
With Hope LLC wants to be able to have an emergency contact in AIO (they are a former aero client and aero used to offer an emergency contact field, and now AIO doesn't)
Axsona Stadnyck
Byja Clinic wants to be able to have an emergency contact in AIO (they are a former aero client and aero used to offer an emergency contact field, and now AIO doesn't)
Ashley Lawrence
Hannah Barry
Adding a field for an emergency contact in the online sign up form would be very helpful!
Jack Forbush, DO
and have this data pulled from the emergency contact information in ElationEMR