Over the last month we've added about 50 enhancements and fixes to the All-in-One platform. The focus for this work was intended to increase stability of the platform for customers, and to increase workflow flexibility.
Here are a few of the updates you'll see:
  • Medications will now sync to Veradigm.
  • Allergies will update and display when they are saved to the member’s health summary.
  • Practice template modules are now displaying more accurate information for the treating clinician.
  • Dashboard inventory numbers reflect accurate inventory amounts
  • Opening a new note will show a blank note instead of pulling in saved copy from a draft document.
  • IntakeQ will not show the login screen on the “Forms” feature.
  • Video calls will stay as video calls when editing appointments.
  • The appointments details end time will accurately reflect the duration of the appointment.
  • The session time will refresh during active sessions to avoid “unable to find patient” errors.
  • Updating family history will accurately display the family history changes when saved.
  • A logout warning displays before a session ends so that in-progress data loss is prevented.
  • Improved styling on the Interaction button to fit more screen display sizes.
  • Support for the addition of Zoom URLs in video visits on the calendar.
  • Added stability to the Health Gorilla integration for ordering labs.
  • Added a new Intercom support option for customers in Hint Clinical.
  • Added stability to the Veradigm e-prescribing integration.
  • Added speed to the loading time for the calendar.